Wednesday, May 29, 2024

donations=saving taxes??

Did you know that you can claim up to 50% (in some cases even 100%) tax deductions through donations?

Among the many ways to claim tax deductions, donating to charitable institutions is one of the best ways to maximize your benefits.

How It Works:

Under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, any individual or corporation who donates to funds or any charitable institutions recognized by the Government of India receives a Section 80G receipt.

This receipt allows you to claim a significant (50%-100%) tax deduction during tax filing.

Some Recognized Charitable Institutions:

-Anjor Foundation Trust

-Akshaya Patra

-Ketto India

-Give India

Recently, I've been coordinating with the Anjor Foundation Trust, which helps underprivileged children with basic necessities. 

About Anjor Foundation Trust:

The Anjor Foundation is dedicated to providing education and food security to underprivileged children. They work tirelessly, partnering with other NGOs to ensure that no child is left behind. By providing access to education and nutritious meals, the foundation is creating brighter futures for children in need and building stronger communities. The mission revolves around providing quality education and legal support to ensure every child's well-being and prospects. 


If you're willing to make a difference in the lives of these children, consider donating to this campaign

Action Required:

After donating, please don't forget to share the transaction screenshot with me so I can confirm the payment.

please mail the screenshot of the payment to me at

Some Well-Known Funds Offering Section 80G Receipt:

-National Defence Fund

-Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund

-Prime Minister’s Drought Relief Fund

-Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund

-Prime Minister’s Armenia Earthquake Relief Fund

-Africa (Public Contributions - India) Fund

thank you for sharing this post ,your every small effort towards the welfare of the society is appreciated.

#Finance #TaxDeductions #Donors #AnjorFoundationTrust #Charity #SocialImpact #NonProfit #SupportChildren


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